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Wed, 01 Dec 2010

PCI Update for Sam440ep and Sam440ep-flex

Bassano del Grappa, Italy - 01 December, 2010

ACube Systems just released the second part of the PCI speedup for Sam440ep and Sam440ep-flex. You can read about first part at the following link: http://www.acube-systems.biz/news.php?id=75.

This patch will increment write speed for all PCI devices of about 15%-30% (depending on configuration). This patch should be used together with the previous patch released earlier to get a complete (READ + WRITE) speedup.

You can download the patch archive based on your platform from the "Download" section of the following pages:


After downloading you must burn the ISO and then boot from CD (just like you would do to update U-Boot).

Follow with extreme attention and caution the instructions shown at boot and please bear in mind that if something should go wrong your board may fail to boot again. The only solution then would be to send it back to us for fixing.

You can find more information by reading the PDF manual inside the archive.

Once applied, there is no way to remove the patch. Please be extremely careful. ACube Systems cannot be held responsible if something goes wrong.