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Mon, 06 Dec 2010

U-Boot 1.3.1c for Sam440ep released

Bassano del Grappa, Italy -  6 December 2010

ACube Systems is pleased to announce yet another new release of the U-Boot firmware for its line of motherboards Sam440ep and Sam440ep-flex.

What's new in this version:

  • Fixed wrong setting for the MMUCR register
  • Introduced a new Video Option: Console. Setting it to “Silent” will produce a more nice looking boot screen (see picture below)
  • On Sam440ep-flex: if a SiliconMotion 502 is present, and it's not set as primary video card, the SM502 I/O and MEM access are disabled in PCI_COMMAND register after initialization. This prevent some problems when booting AOS4.1 in a dual gfx card setup.
  • On Sam440ep-mini: if a Radeon PCI card is present, and the onboard video card is not set as primary  video card, the onboard video card I/O and MEM access are disabled in PCI_COMMAND register after initialization. This prevent some problems when booting AOS4.1 in a dual gfx card setup.
  • Solved a problem when assigning IRQ to a video card behind a PCI to PCI Express bridge (RadeonHD)
  • Video unit and Sprite unit are switched off on SM502
  • Solved a problem with the Blitter unit registers not reset to default values at powerup on SM502
  • Now it's possible to set baudrate to 230400 and 307200 bps (for faster debug output)
  • Changed boot logo
  • Reduced font size


The updated installation guide describes in detail the usual installation method (ISO image) and alternative methods (TFTP).

You can download installation archives from:


Additional information:

Please note: UBoot and UBoot updater makes use of GPL code and thus are both published under GPL.

The sources can be downloaded from:


or, using a direct link, from:



 UBoot 1.3.1c for Sam440ep